The say that sometimes life can be
repetitive and boring. Regardless of how successful or wealthy a person is,
often there is something missing. That is why the people that ever get an
injury is still doing it when they get better. From they point of view most of
people had a fascination with death, because death is the greatest fear they
will ever have. That is the allure of extreme sports. It provides people with
an ecscape from the hum-drum of everday life and it allows them to experience
something that transcends the sameness of what most of their lives have been
comprised of. So, the reason why the people that ever get an injury from
extreme sports is, it can help them confont death, because when they face death
it was the moment when they fell most alive.
Senin, 14 Mei 2012
Why the people that haveever get an injury from this sport still doing it when they get better?
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Kids and Extremely Dangerous Sports
There ara five reasons why kids is prohibited joined extremelly dangerous sport.The first reason because kids is a valuable treasure for their parent.Second,kids can’t use equipments to save their live in that extremely dangerous sport.Third,because government prohibited children to join that sport.Fourth, kids still has unstabille mentality.And the last kids must school and study for their future.Because of those reasons kids is prohibited for joining any kind of extremely dangerous sport.
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Why some people choosing an extremely dangerous sports as their hoobies?
There are many reasons why people like extremely dangerous sport. For example,the man
who likes extremely dangerous sport says that he like dangerous sport because it's challenging
our adrenaline. Beside that some people like trying rare things just for testing themselves.
Dangerous sport is also just for professional, not for an amateur. Most importantly don't try
this dangerous sport without any safety equipmet.
Equipment that we need in extremely sport
Extreme sports not only has a high danger level for the players but also can make the players injured or dead. Therefore protective equipment is very important in extreme sport and there are five main equipment used in extreme sports.
First, helmet is a form of protective equipment worn on the head to protect head from injuries, for example, if your head it a hard object that might make a cracked heador facial malformation rupture.
Second, the body protector functions to protect the vital body organs of our body especially the heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs from sharp objects or hard impacts.
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Third, pants with tail bone protector is used to prevent players from injury to the genital organs and the coccyx. This equipmentis very important, because injury or fracture on the coccyx can make a player paralyzed.
Fifth, shoes function to protect feet and toes from injury, that they are also used as an aid in walking and avoiding dangerous objects that may be trampled.
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Kind of Dangerous Sport
There are five kinds of dangerous sport. they are Rafting, Climbing, American football, Smack Down and Boxing.
First, rafting is one of dangerous sports which is done in the river.
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Second, climbing is one of dangerous sports done on mountains or hills.
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Third, American football is one of dangerous sports done on the field using ball.
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Fourth, smack down is one of dangerous sports which is done in the ring of match.
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And Fifth, Boxing is one of dangerous sports done on the ring among boxers.
Based on the five definitions of dangerous sports on a sport that should not be imitated by those who do not have the expertise.
First, rafting is one of dangerous sports which is done in the river.
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Second, climbing is one of dangerous sports done on mountains or hills.
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Third, American football is one of dangerous sports done on the field using ball.
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Fourth, smack down is one of dangerous sports which is done in the ring of match.
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And Fifth, Boxing is one of dangerous sports done on the ring among boxers.
Based on the five definitions of dangerous sports on a sport that should not be imitated by those who do not have the expertise.
What's the effects of dangerous sport
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There are 5 most effects of dangerous sport. They are death, coma, shock, broken bone, and the last is injury.
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First, death is serious condition in this action, example in 2011 exactly 24 Oct 2011 recorded racer motogp "Marco Simmoncelli" died in race at Sepang.
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Second, coma is blackout condiiton, where someone cannot to be wake up or give a nomal response and it's one effect of dangerous sport.
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Third, Shock is condition when body isn't getting enought blood flow and thiis can damage multiple organs in our body.
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And Then, broken bone and injury is very most posibility of dangerous sport, recorded in 2012 Monster Energy Supercross Champion, rounde 15, RV have an accident. He is falling into the ground with high speed in the race.
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All in all, Extremely dangerous sport is dangerous sport with many bad effects.
Minggu, 13 Mei 2012
How to prevent of extreme dangerous sport?
There are 3 ways people to prevent Extreme Dangerous Sport.
First, Consider the risks. Before starting sport activities. It's good to do warm up.
For example : jogging, push up,and shit up. Besides that, we should be able to consider whether the sport is going to do dangerous or not? If it dangerous especially for newbie, it should be avoid. Because the effect of this sport can make our live lost.
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Second, Remember the family at home.
It's good, to think about. Many deaths are caused by extreme sports. Result of it, not a few lives lost. We should avoid it and remember that father, mother, brother, sister, waiting for our presence.
And the last, Stay away from Dangerous Sports.
We should stay away from that sport, for example: Don't watching extreme sport videos and don't try it this at home , if it can be harm for us. We must good think, for choose the sport can be good for healthy and giving benefit for us. It would be good, we can change it with the same like dangerous sport. Many good sport that same like dangerous sport , example : playing BMX cycle, hockey, and ice skating.
First, Consider the risks. Before starting sport activities. It's good to do warm up.
For example : jogging, push up,and shit up. Besides that, we should be able to consider whether the sport is going to do dangerous or not? If it dangerous especially for newbie, it should be avoid. Because the effect of this sport can make our live lost.
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It's good, to think about. Many deaths are caused by extreme sports. Result of it, not a few lives lost. We should avoid it and remember that father, mother, brother, sister, waiting for our presence.
And the last, Stay away from Dangerous Sports.
We should stay away from that sport, for example: Don't watching extreme sport videos and don't try it this at home , if it can be harm for us. We must good think, for choose the sport can be good for healthy and giving benefit for us. It would be good, we can change it with the same like dangerous sport. Many good sport that same like dangerous sport , example : playing BMX cycle, hockey, and ice skating.
Extreme sports and Benefits

Extreme sports are not only spur of adrenaline, but also provides health of benefits are not small.
When the people’s weight are in the under stress, extreme sports can be solution. Extreme sports are not practice in sporting activities at school, those usually do an individual or groups. In addition, who do extreme sports are gets special training from the experts who had experience before doing so.
Classification of extemely dangerous sports

-In air
-Land , and
8 air sports there are : Base jumping, gliding, hang gliding, high wire, ski jumping, sky diving, sky surfing, and sky flying.
13 land sports which include: Adventure racing, aggressive skating, BMX, motocross, extreme skiing, freestyle skiing, land and ice yachting, mountain biking, outdoor climbing, skateboarding, snowboarding, snowmobiling,and parkour.
15 water sports: barefoot water skiing, cliff diving, free-diving, jet skiing, open water swimming, powerboat racing, round the world yacht racing, scuba diving, snorkeling, speed sailing, surfing,wakeboarding, whitewater kayaking, windsurfing, and kitesurfing.
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Definition of Extreme Sports

Extremely dangerous sport is sports
dangerous to human, but many people do that because of the light challenge.
This sport requires great stamina and courage. Therefore it is very dangerous
sport for people who are scared/having a serious illness. So, dangerous extreme
sport is only for the already professional and is not for beginners.
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